Did Bryan and Sarah Baeumler Actually Split After 'Renovation Island'?

Posted by Almeda Bohannan on Thursday, May 2, 2024

Wait, did Bryan and Sarah Baeumler split? It looked like the HGTV hit a rough patch during the filming of 'Renovation Island' for sure.

Mustafa Gatollari - Author

If you're a renovating reality TV show fiend, then there's a great chance you've seen a little HGTV program by the name of Renovation Island. The Canadian program was a smash success and featured the Baeumler family striving to make their dream of building a Bahamas resort a reality.

While the show obviously has its fair share of construction work, it also featured familial tensions between Sarah and Bryan Baeumler. And things got so tense between the two, viewers assumed they split.

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So did Bryan and Sarah Baeumler split?

Well if they did, there really isn't evidence to suggest that they did on social media or cable TV. Not only are there several Instagram and Twitter posts in which the couple's clearly together and enjoying one another's company, Entertainment Tonight actually interviewed the two in their ginormous familial home. The Baeumlers gave a tour of the place with the outlet over video call.

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While there are tons of rich and famous people with exorbitant homes that would give you pause, there's something about the Baeumlers' house that reeks of excellence because, well, they kinda live and breathe home renovation. Bryan's built his entire life around contracting and has several TV shows and even his own production company that shows off the work that they do.

So his house is clearly not a case of "the shoe maker's kids walk barefoot." He and his wife ensured that the home they built is a comfortable yet modern and up-to-date residence that functions not only as a great place to live, but a live-in business card that's a testament to the incredible work that their company is capable of.

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The home manages to be open concept while still providing enough privacy throughout due to its brilliant set up. And if you wanna talk about the color schemes and design themes? I mean, what's a word for the opposite of tacky? Yeah, precisely.

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So yes, Bryan and Sarah Baeumler are still together despite 'Renovation Island' tiffs.

Look, if you're building something with someone and are living in tight spaces, even if it is in an island paradise like Bermuda, you're going to have some tensions and passions flare up every once in a while.

Add the fact that there are cameras rolling and you know you're trying to not look like an idiot on a nationally broadcast TV series, and that could make you a little ornery toward your significant other.

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So while Sarah and Bryan did butt heads on Renovation Island together from time to time, they're most certainly still a home renovation power couple. They have other TV shows that they're bringing over from Canada, like Renovation Inc., which details all of the work Bryan and Sarah did with their business back home.

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Me too! I love Bryan & Sarah Baeumler & I absolutely love what they have done to “Island of Bryan!” Talk about going from ‘Rags to Riches; they’ve done it!’ @Bryan_Baeumler @SarahBaeumler @hgtvcanada

— Dianne Mitchell (@Lady_Di_Mitchel) June 3, 2019 Source: Twitter

@Bryan_Baeumler love ur show but some of ur tweets back 2 ppl r kinda harsh. Love Sarah but she does come off pretty bad this year :(

— amanda 🇨🇦 (@CDNbossbabe) January 27, 2015 Source: Twitter

The series takes place in the greater Toronto area near Oakville and Burlington, where Baeumler Quality Construction performs the majority of their work. And while there are plenty of people on social media who think that the couple's had some relationship-ending shade thrown at one another's way, I'd like them to see video footage of their own fights with their spouses and see if they still think that's the case.

