Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Thursday, May 2, 2024

Janie Santana (left) was accused of abusing her son Rudy Farias (right) after reporting him missing for eight years. Photo / Supplied

The case surrounding “missing” man Rudy Farias took another turn on Friday (NZT) after Houston Police admitted the 25-year-old was never actually missing, and had done checks on his mother’s property.

During a bizarre press conference, police said Farias’ mother, Janie Santana, had filed a missing person’s report for her son on March 6, 2015. They said he returned home the following day.

Over the next eight years, investigators spoke with Santana and visited the house. However, they were given false names and were told Farias, who was visible at home, was actually Santana’s nephew.

Chief Troy Finner said they were given fake dates of birth, which allowed the young man to go unnoticed for years, even as neighbours and family often spotted him.

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Despite the mother making “fictitious reports”, lying to police, and making a false missing person claim, police said she would not be charged, likening it to a traffic ticket infringement.

Police deny Farias told them he was abused by his mother

Yesterday, civil rights activist and counsellor for Farias, Quanell X, made harrowing claims that Rudy told both he and detectives that he suffered years of physical and sexual abuse at the hands of his mother.

On Thursday Quanell said Farias’ mother had been drugging him and sexually abusing him for years. Farias only spoke up after authorities separated him from his mother.

Farias allegedly said police found him last week because he stole his mother’s car to get away from her.

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When asked why Farias, now 25, escaped, Quanell said: “He said he wanted his own life. His exact words were ‘I was tired of living like a slave. I just want to be free’.”

Breaking down in tears, Quanell said Farias’ mother allegedly made him sleep in bed with her and demanded he fulfill her fantasies before he managed to run away.

“She would cross his boundaries when he would shower,” Quanell claimed as tears streamed down his face.

“He ran away this time, because he was tired. It’s a goddamn shame. I have never in my life heard of a mother doing to a child what this woman did [to Farias].”

However, today, police said Farias never told them of any abuse by his mother. When asked about Quanell’s abuse claims, Houston police declined to say he was lying or go after the activist’s integrity.

Police could not offer a possible motive behind why Santana claimed her son was missing when he was not.

News Conferences on HPD Dash Cameras and Update on Missing Persons Investigation

— Houston Police (@houstonpolice) July 6, 2023

Police say Farias is ‘safe’ and with his mother - investigations ongoing

Despite lying about his whereabouts for eight years, and despite allegations of abuse, police said that Farias is “safe” and “with his mother by choice”.

Police then reminded the media and public that Farias is a 25-year-old man and can make his own choices.

When asked if Farias was a victim or a potential suspect, Finner declined to say.

“The investigation is still going on,” Finner said, “and I’m not going to say if he’s a victim or not.

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“Our investigations is our investigation - what [officials] heard and what they interviewed is what we attest to.”

The district attorney “has declined any charges at this time for making fictitious reports and failure to ID. The investigation is active, and there are new leads coming in. We’ll continue to follow those leads”.

Police have reached out to Adult Protective Services and connected Farias with the police department’s Victim’s Services.

Quanell doubles down on abuse claims, slams ‘sham’ investigation

The civil rights activist who claimed Rudy Farias was drugged and sexually abused by his mother has doubled down on his allegations after police denied that the 25-year-old reported being abused.

Quanell stood by his previous allegations and said he believed Farias was in danger even after a confusing police denial.

“It was crazy to watch the press conference,” the civil rights activist said.

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“The detective heard that young man say that she made him be her husband. The detective heard him say that she told him that his name is daddy now, that she called him daddy when she would kiss him in the mouth.”

Quanell repeated his claims to reporters the day before while alleging that Farias had been instructed to lie to police by his mother.

“The kid was distraught ... absolutely distraught,” Quanell X said of Farias’ behaviour in the police interview.

“He went back and forth; he acted like a teenager, then he would act he 23 or 25? He went back and forth between like a child state to a mature state.”

He went on to accuse police of “trying to hide from conducting a shady sham investigation”.

“It’s all confusing as hell to me now. I think they’re revictimising the kid all over again.

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“I believe he needs extensive medical, psychological help and treatment.”

Police were also slammed by the public for using the Farias press conference to discuss dash cameras and salaries.

Farias’ aunties hit out at police, stunning new claims against mother

Farias’ aunties, Pauline and Michelle Sanchez Rodriguez, conducted their own press conference following the police’s latest claims, and slammed officials over the handling of the situation.

The aunties, who said Santana’s ex-husband was a Houston Police Department official before he died, claim authorities are “helping” Santana cover up alleged crimes.

“They’re helping her, they’re giving her a head start. All they had to do was bring her in.

“They’re saying anyone can do whatever they want with their kids and nobody will do anything.”

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They added they believe Farias is in danger and needs medical help. The women also contradicted police’s claims Farias is currently with his mum, alleging that he is staying with one of Santana’s friends.

The aunties said Farias’ mum purposely kept him away from the rest of the family, saying she is manipulative.

“[Farias] was afraid because his mum manipulated him and kept him from spending time with us, talking to us, socialising with his cousins. And that’s wrong.”

They said “everything’s coming to light” and would not let Santana get away with this. They claimed she was driven by money.

Neighbour Kisha Ross, who spoke to media earlier this week claiming Farias had lived at the property for years and used to come “in my garage and chill with my cousin”, claimed Santana had offered her money not to speak to the media.

However, Ross refused, insisting she “wanted to tell the truth”.

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Mum’s GoFundMe to search for son raised $2000

Weeks after Farias was declared “missing”, a GoFundMe was created to raise money to help search for him and support his mother.

“Please help us find RUDY FARIAS IV! Rudy went out to walk his 2 puppies on March 6th 2015 and has not been seen nor heard from since then ! Rudy’s 2 puppies WERE FOUND but not Rudy! He suffers from both physical and mental disabilities, so we need to get him home ASAP!” The description read.

At the time the GoFundMe was created, Farias had already returned home to his mother – police confirmed in a press conference on Thursday.

In a screengrab dated 8 November 2020, the GoFundMe had raised $2025 but set a goal of $75,000, according to the Independent.

The description continues: “[Santana] needs financial assistance since she is unable to work understandably so with her son missing! The bills are pilling up and Rudy’s mother’s health has also deteriorated as she is devestated ....mentally...physically and emotionally utterly exhausted!!”

“Please dig deep into your hearts and put yourselves in Rudy’s mother place... she cannot do this Alone! Give what you can and know that God will bless you and all that you do for her! We Believe that Rudy IS STILL ALIVE AND TIME IS RUNNING OUT!”

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However, Quanell debated that Santana was unable to work when he claimed that Farias said his mother used to take him to her work and treated him like a slave.

Farias featured on a ‘Dateline’ episode

Suspicions have been raised as to how Farias was never declared “not missing” given there had been publicity about his case online.

Farias featured on Dateline in 2015, which featured photos, information and quotes from his mum Santana.

Local and national media produced a number of follow-up stories throughout the years about Farias’ “disappearance”.

It was only when Farias was found last week that neighbours sounded the alarm that he was never “missing”, and always believed he was someone else using a different name.

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