Out of all the men in Atlanta: Kawana Jenkins video goes viral as Georgia Detention officer is

Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Saturday, May 4, 2024

Kawana Jenkins, a detainment official at Atlanta’a Fulton Province in Georgia was terminated after a video of her enjoying express demonstrations with a prisoner was spilled.

The 36-year-old previous official was accused of five counts of disregarding a pledge by a public official, two counts of inappropriate s**ual contact by a specialist or worker, one count of giving a prisoner a denied thing with approval, two counts of savagery to detainees, and two counts of foolish lead.

Kawana was utilized at the Fulton Region Sheriff’s Office in December 2019. Specialists detailed that she had a drawn out unseemly relationship with the detainee and even went to the degree of giving him the stash cellphone on which their demonstration was recorded.

The previous Fulton Province detainment official’s spilled tape turned into a web sensation via virtual entertainment, provoking responses from netizens. Twitter client @MY_name_is_NIA asked why the official needed to go for a prisoner out of all men in Atlanta.

The episode that prompted Kawana Jenkins’ end and resulting capture was caught with a booty cellphone. The cellphone was seized during an investigation inside a greatest security wing directed in late January this year by a sheriff’s strike group. A sum of eleven cellphones, notwithstanding weapons, were seized in the investigation.

Examiners checked the cellphones and in one of them, they found Kawana’s video where the previous official was seen sitting on one prisoner’s lap and kissing him. In the video, the detainee was heard advising Kawana to give him something. The official then provided him with a couple of originator Cartier eyeglasses.

The action was accounted for to Sheriff Pat Labat by examiners, who then terminated Kawana Jenkins and requested her capture on numerous charges. The sheriff reported a horde of charges against her in a public statement on Wednesday, Walk 22.

Fulton County Detention Officer Kawana Jenkins Arrested, Charged For Improper Sexual Conduct With Inmate. pic.twitter.com/i5lgmQON0M

— Poetik Flakko (@FlakkoPoetik) March 22, 2023

Sheriff Patrick Labat imparted an authority proclamation to the press where he denounced Kawana’s activities. He expressed that as sheriff of the district, he is focused on straightforwardness and to considering every worker responsible to their vows of serving and safeguarding the local area.

Labat added: Kawana Jenkins’ case is the second in 2023 to bring about the end and capture of a detainment official in Fulton District. Prior in February, Sheriff Labat reported charges of irritated attack against Reynard Trotman, who went after a detainee at the Fulton District Prison.
