Candice LeRae Kicks Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa In The Balls, But Her Husband Had A Cup

Posted by Almeda Bohannan on Sunday, May 5, 2024

Tonight on NXT, Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa stepped into a wrestling ring in order to settle a feud that had been brewing for a long time. In a match that lasted for a long time and clearly saw both superstars give it their all, it was Gargano who walked away as the winner, but not without some controversy and use of some clever tactics on his part.

It's more than a match, this is about settling a long-standing score. #CiampaVsGargano #WWENXT @JohnnyGargano @NXTCiampa

— WWE (@WWE) April 9, 2020

Late in the match, with both superstars already spent, Candice LeRae came into the ring, begging the pair to stop and chastizing Gargano for what he had become. Then, she delivered a swift kick to the privates of Gargano before storming off. Ciampa was clearly shocked, and the two superstars stopped fighting as Ciampa went to the aid of Gargano. However, it was all a trick, as LeRae came right back into the ring and kicked Ciampa in the privates, which allowed Gargano to reveal that he had been wearing a cup the entire time. Afterwards, he picked up Ciampa and delivered a Fairytale Ending for the win.

A change of (rebel) heart. #WWENXT #CiampaVsGargano @CandiceLeRae @JohnnyGargano @NXTCiampa

— WWE (@WWE) April 9, 2020

For a brief recap of how the match ended, check out below:

Ciampa puts Gargano in a crossface using the broken crutch. Gargano pokes the referee in the eye. Ciampa breaks the hold and accidentally knees the referee in the head. The referee falls to the outside. Ciampa hits Willow’s Bell on the exposed wood part of the ring. Ciampa tries to cover Gargano but there is no referee. Ciampa sits up. Gargano puts his hands on top of Ciampa’s hand. Ciampa yanks it away. Gargano superkicks Ciampa. Ciampa and Gargano hit each other with broken parts of the crutch. Both men are down.

Candice LeRea walks into the arena. LeRae begs both men to stop. LeRae asks Gargano who he is. LeRae tells Ciampa that she hates her husband and it’s his fault. LeRae yells at Ciampa to finish it. Gargano grabs LeRae’s hand. LeRae says she’ll finish it. LeRae kicks Gargano in the nuts and storms off. Ciampa sits next to Gargano and says it’s over. Gargano starts to cry. Ciampa says he’s sorry. Gargano says he’s sorry too. LeRae kicks Ciampa in the nuts from behind. LeRae and Gargano laugh as Gargano reveals he is wearing a cup. That is what was in the bag that LeRae handed him before the match. Gargano hits Ciampa with the Fairytale Ending on the exposed boards for the win.

RELATED: WWE NXT Results (4/8/20)
