40 Best Deshaun Watson-inspired Fantasy Football names

Posted by Reinaldo Massengill on Monday, May 6, 2024

Cleveland Browns quarterback Deshaun Watson has now been cleared to play this week. He has served his 11-game suspension after his alleged sexual harassment and assault cases against numerous women.

Given that, prior to the season, no one knew if he would be playing or not, some still chose to select him for their fantasy football team. Even more, some chose to use quirky and unique names for their teams as well.

This has been the same for other NFL players, as well as players using creative names for their teams.

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70% Win


70% Win


70% Win


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While it is the halfway point of the 2022 season, we have the 40 best Deshaun Watson-themed fantasy football names going at the moment.

Deshaun Watson-inspired fantasy football names

  • Turn Down for Watson
  • Watson the Other Side
  • The WATS Team
  • Deshaun of the Dead
  • Deshaun In 60 Seconds
  • Watson the Menu
  • Massaging my Roster
  • Big D Watson
  • Upper Deshelon
  • Deshaun Gotsome
  • Dehand Whackson
  • Deshaun Clemson
  • Watsonder the Towel
  • WatsOn, Whacks Off
  • Deshaunorable Discharge
  • Massaging the Truth
  • DeSwan Waddleson
  • Darkest Before Deshaun
  • Flex Offenders
  • DeShauns Massage Emporium
  • Watson Your Mind
  • DaShow Watson
  • 66 Massages
  • Deshaun Gotsum
  • Massagenist
  • Groper Cleveland
  • Elementary, My Dear Watson
  • Who’s on First, Watson Second
  • DeShaun Baby Gone
  • The Run & Tugs
  • Watsin a Name
  • A Battle of Wats
  • WatsDunn is Dunn
  • The Wats Riots
  • High Wat-age
  • Touchdown There
  • DW-40
  • Watson Second
  • Wat? Son of a…
  • Dechron Potson

As we can see from the team names listed above, many have gotten quite creative when it comes to their fantasy team names.

Is Deshaun Watson worth having in your fantasy lineup?

Cleveland Browns Practice

Possibly yes, but keep in mind that Deshaun Watson is not likely to hit any real heights in his first few outings, so points could be rather low. Given he hasn't played since 2020 in a meaningful NFL game, perhaps you should think twice.

The Browns have five games remaining on their schedule for the 2022 season. It is likely that the quarterback will start all five, so once he gets his feet underneath him, he could prove valuable to your team.

Also read: 500+ Funny fantasy football team names to explore

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