Walsh University Shooting, Advocating For Campus Safety And Gun Reform

Posted by Martina Birk on Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Walsh University Shooting – At 8:45 this morning, my peaceful college routine was shattered by a message from Walsh University, alerting us to a possible armed person in close proximity to campus. It was a surreal moment, one that I never thought I would experience personally. The harsh reality of “what happens on the news” hit home, and it left me grappling with a sense of vulnerability in a place that should be a second home—my college campus. Thankfully, to my knowledge, no one was hurt, and the situation was deescalated.

However, the incident raises a critical issue: the accessibility of guns. As a residential college student, fear for my safety on campus should not be part of my daily life. It’s a stark reminder that we need comprehensive gun reform. The call for change is not an attack on the Second Amendment but a plea for responsible gun ownership. We need credible background checks on individuals who choose to carry firearms. The ease with which guns are accessible to everyone is a concerning aspect of our society that demands immediate attention.

This incident serves as a wake-up call for us all. We cannot continue to accept the status quo. It’s time for a collective effort to ensure the safety of our educational institutions and communities. This is not just a campus issue; it’s a nationwide concern. The call for gun reform is not just a political stance; it’s a call for a safer America.
