What is the Difference Between Warthog and Boar

Posted by Noelle Montes on Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Warthog vs Boar

Warthog and boar are two important members of the pig family and these two should be properly known about their noticeable characteristics. These two animals being in the same taxonomic family, there are many similarities both physically as well as ecologically. In addition, both boar and warthog are wild animals, but they live in two different locations of the world. The following concise descriptions about the two animals are presented with a comparison and it would be worthwhile to go through the text.


Warthog, Phacochoerus africanus, is also known as the common warthog. It is a wild member of the Family: Suidae and mostly found in the savannah grasslands and woodlands of sub Saharan Africa. Warthogs are usually large animals with body lengths vary from 90 to 150 centimetres, and the weights are about 50 – 75 kilograms. Their head is disproportionately large and broad, which is a unique feature of warthogs. In addition, the two pairs of long canine tusks are characteristic for them, especially the upper canines are longer than the lower, giving a wider appearance to the head and snout. Fighting and digging have been the main functions of those tusks for these animals. Moreover, the people of East and Southern Africa extract the upper canine tusks from warthogs and make tusk carvings to sell them to tourists. Their body is sparsely covered with hairs, but they have a distinctive mane, but the overall body colour is black or blackish brown. Warthog is an omnivore and feed on a variety of foods including both plant and animal matter additionally to carrion. They usually wallow in mud, to bear the intense heat during the daytime. The newly made burrow by a warthog or an abandoned one by another animal would be used for dwelling. Additionally, they usually move backwards into the burrow and keep the head out, so that they can sprint and flee in case of a predator. They are territorial and social, with adult males being solitary.


Boar, Sus scrofa, is one of the ten species of pigs and usually it is referred as wild boar. Their natural distribution is predominant in Asia, but with introductions to other parts of the world, wild boar is a very common animal in almost everywhere. They have a large head and relatively short limbs compared to their body size. Their body varies from 120 to 180 centimetres in length, and the height is only 10 centimetres less than a metre. The body weight could vary from 50 to 90 kilograms. The fur of wild boar consists of stiff bristles and fine hairs, and the colouration is dark grey, brown, or black. The adult males are solitary, but the females live with the family units containing over 15 individuals in each usually. They are nocturnal and serious pests of agricultural crops, especially in South Asia.


What is the difference between Warthog and Boar?

• Boar is a pig being in the genus of Sus, whereas warthog is a pig-like member of the pig family.

• Warthogs are distributed in African savannahs and woodlands while boar is found in a broader range comparatively. In fact, they have been distributed in most of tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions of Asia and more than 90% of the whole Europe.

• Warthog has the longer tusks than in boar.

• The head and snout are disproportionately large and wide in warthogs, but those are not massive in boar.

• Warthog is diurnal, but boar is nocturnal.

• Boar is larger and heavier than warthogs.

• The fur coat is dense in boars, while it is a sparse cover of hairs in warthogs.

