Kanye West Tried To Make The Jetsons Movie, No Really

Posted by Almeda Bohannan on Thursday, May 9, 2024

By Josh Tyler | Updated 1 month ago

Hollywood has toyed with the idea of making a Jetsons movie since the live-action Flintstones film was kind of a hit in the 90s. At one point, auteur Robert Rodriguez was supposed to be doing it, but like most of the projects he promises, it never actually happened. Then, somehow, back in 2011, job fell to, of all people, Kanye West.

Yes, I’m talking about the prolific, award-winning rapper for whom ten minutes or so made everyone in the world feel really sorry for Taylor Swift and has subsequently been canceled for far worse. Kanye tweeted the news of his involvement in making a feature out of The Jetsons himself saying, “I was just discussing becoming the creative director for the Jetson movie.”

Lest you think this was just some late-night, alcohol-fueled Twitter fantasy spewed up by Kanye, the whole thing was actually confirmed. Jetsons producer Denise Di Novi who told MTV that, yes, indeed, she’s been talking to Kanye. Di Novi explains, “Kanye’s always been a Jetsons fan, I think because he’s so into design and he loves the design aspects.”

It sounds like Kanye was serious about this, but in the end, nothing came of it. She described their conversation as “preliminary” and a “brainstorming” session but didn’t go much further than that.

What would a Kanye West version of The Jetsons have looked like? The show has a completely unique futuristic look, and if he’d really been into it, he could have turned it into something pretty cool on camera.

Kanye’s Jetsons movie might have been interesting but we’d probably all be better off with Robert Rodriguez. Maybe it’s not too late to make that happen.
